THE PROJECT: I had the opportunity to rebrand Sellhorst Security and design their new website. Sellhorst is a family-owned security and technology company. The goal was to create a branding system that communicates safety, protection and an understanding of the latest technology. WHAT I DID: I was Lead Designer for this project, developing and designing the brand and its website. I created a variety of branding concepts for the company until landing on the brand you see below. From there, I built wireframes and worked closely with a Web Developer and Sellhorst to create and launch a WordPress website. THE OUTCOME: The goal of the project was to communicate security and an understanding of technological trends. I wanted users to place their trust in the company in order for them to sell their security and technology services. CREDITS: Lead Designer: Ross Finocchiaro UI Designer: Ross Finocchiaro Web Developer: Cameron Raemakers Art Director: Liz Hunt Copy: Brooke Claxton Created at DayCloud Studios